Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter Olympics

In case you've been living under a rock, or in a tee-pee, and been without access to TV's, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, Cell-Phones, and communication to anyone other than your cat, you probably know that the 2010 Winter Olympics began last night. They're being hosted in Vancouver, Canada and you can find the programing on your local NBC station.

As it is, I'm not a huge Olympics fan. I think they're kind of fun, but I'm not into sports and most of it can be kind of bizarre so I don't watch a ton of the coverage. Especially not for the winter games, because the only thing I find that interesting is the figure skating. However, even this year, that's not as interesting because I wanted Ashley Wagner (18 years old from Wilmington, DE for those who know where I live, we totally almost could be besties that's how close we are!) to get on the team, and she lost out to Rachael Flatt and Mirae Nagasu, neither of whom I was super impressed with when I saw the Championships.

Here's a video of the her 2010 Championships LP performance. How beautiful is she??! And talented!!

Anyway, if I can figure out the programing, I''ll tune in and watch the skating programs anyway. You'll be there in 2014 Ashley! Keep working hard!

Also if you're interested she has a channel on youtube where she vlogs occasionally, so you should check that out sometime too: 

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