Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reasons I Love February


Candy Hearts

Valentine's from my parents

 Birthday & Valentine's Day Cards

Thoughts for Thursday

Hello, hello. Wow two blog posts in one week? I guess I'm quietly revolting from school because I didn't do any homework Tuesday or Wednesday night either. Helloooo senioritus! But in my defense, I started college my senior year of high school, and have had about three really intense years, so I don't feel too bad. PLUS, I just got back a 97 on my first History test! Hah!!

Anyway today I just thought I'd tell you some thigns. Nothing particularly important, just sharing some facts.

#1- I am fascinated by colonial America. 100%. I always forget how interesting I find it until someone is telling me about it. It's just SO interesting. And I don't just mean one perspective is interesting, I enjoy hearing ab out the Indians, I enjoy hearing about the colonist, and I enjoy hearing about the English history of the time. And I almost always wish that I could go back to the 1600s and just see it. I know its not glamerous and there were no iPods or Android phones, but I still really like it.

#2- I've been better this week about getting up when my alarm goes off (mainly because I haven't been doing homework so I've gone to bed at relatively decent hours). As such I've been able to turn the enws on for a few minutes and I'm really at a loss for things to say about what's going on in the middle east. I can't imagine living in an area where there was such dramatic political instablity. Plus once again I find myself frustrated because they always find a way to bring gas prices intot his. Seriously, it's like when you're 14 and everytime yous tart to get smart with you parents, or you get a bad grade, and they threaten to take away your computer or phone. I mean seriously, can we come up with a new threat already.

#3- I've been trying to drink more teas lately because I can't drink coffee without the creamer and I know that the creamer can add a ton of calories and fats to it... so I've started up on tea. And so far there are two lipton varieties that I really like. The first is a white tea (which sucks because it totally has no caffiene and I didn't know that right away so of course I got 'the headache') which is called "Island Mango and Peach." It is so yummy- more of an afternoon tea to sip on while you're reading a book or doing something more pleasant than say, waking up at 5AM to study for the aforementioned aced history exam. I've also really liked their black tea (can I get a heck yeah, for caffiene- even though its only about 1/10th of whats in my coffee) which is in the Bavarian Wild Berry flavor. I'm going to look into finding teas with a bit stronger caffiene content but I think as a general rule of thumb they are all going to have less than my dear old friend, coffee.

#4- I took some pictures of some flowers for you. Later tonight I am going to put up a pretty picture post of all the reasons I love February.

#5- Sooo, I've kind of been loving baskets for the last year or so. I haev two on my bathroom counter one holds things like hairspray, body lotion, body wash (I have about 5 body washes because bath and body works always sucks mei n), and just random things like that. The other holds hair stuff like my blow dryer, my straightener, and hairpins, brushes, and elastic bands. HOWEVER, I have been on the hunt for a basket that I can envision but I can't quite find. I want it to hold my makeup. I want it to be about 8-10 inches tall and about a foot long,a nd I want it to have 4-6 sections that I can throw various products like blush, eyemakeup, and lip products in. But, I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh hey there...

So I kind of failed on that thirty day challenge thing, huh? Sorry! The enticing world of Law & Order dragged me in, then my fun new Kindle came, and then well the semester started... but alas the excuses could go on for days... so I'll try and get on to the fun stuff.

So, here's 'what's up'.

1- I've come the the conclusion that whenever Daivd Schwimmer will always be Ross. I mean literally, he is never going to be any other character to me. A few weeks ago I was at the gym, and he popped up on some strange movie, and in season two (I believe) of 30 Rock he pops up as Greenzo (please youtube this if you haven't seen it, priceless) but every time I see him I think, "Oh hey, what's Ross doing here?" and not, "Oh hey, it's David Schwimmer!". Sorry Dave, you'll always be Ross to me.

2- This Saturday Zach and I went to see "Just Go With It" which had tons of famous lovelies in it including (but not limited to): Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler, and Dave Matthews. Such a cute movie! I was a little sketpical because to be honest I find A. Sandler to be a little weird and crude, but he actually toned down his vulgar personality a little in this movie so I really liked it. Plus um... there's a very interesting scene involving Dave Matthews and a coconut that you won't want to miss... just saying

3- I, Emily, have pretty much given up coffee as a necessity. Now, let's not mistake this for me saying I don't LIKE coffee. I absolutely adore coffee and we're still the best of friends, but I couldn't get myself to drink it without needing creamer and so I kind of started to feel guilty. I'm gradually switching over to tea or to diet coke (which was my original drug of choice) and saving coffee for special occasions so I don't feel guilty about all the creamer (half n half really) that I put in it.

4- So um, I have been toying with confessing with this for a while- and this is number four on my list so you must really like me if you've read this far. But um, I have a secret twitter and talk to some friends who live in various parts of the country whom I've never met on it. I actually received birthday presents and cards from three of them. I know it sounds totally weird, but it's actually really kind of convienent. One, because since I had the whole world at my disposal we actually have things in common. Two, since they're pretty much scattered up & down the east coast with the closest one being I believe seven hours away, I don't have to feel guilty for not ever having time to hang out with them. Alright- go ahead and judge, but I love their friendship and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Oh- and no duh I am not telling you the user name if you ask. One person knows it because their a sneaky little fox, but I'd prefer that they keep it private because sometimes its best that things stay the way they are. Okay I lied, one person, and then Zach- but he doesn't even completely know what a twitter is so I think my secrets safe. But seriously, please don't try and find it- sometimes privacy is nice.

5-  A few weeks ago I read the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series, and I'm not going to lie, I plan on reading the whole series. So interesting! Plus I'm a sucker for anything charm-schooley and New England-y. I know they're kind f 'below my reading level' but if you had to read the 'scholarly textbooks' that I do for my accounting classes, you'd understand what a nice retreat it is from that stuff. You know, sometimes it's nice to read something without hearing words like 'interest', 'materiality', 'assertion', 'financial statements' etc.

Anyway- since 1-5 have been a lot of words I am going to end now with pictures of stuff I like because let's be honest, it'll probably be another month before I update this again.

This yummy tea- Lipton White Tea with Island Mango and Peach Flavor! Add two splenda- YUM!

Pink flowers- and the color pink in general

My fun new Kindle- even though I've hardly been able to use it lately! :(

That spring training has begun!! Phillies time!! So happy that I will be getting to see some of my favorite me back in white and red. (Cliff, I'm not sure if I've told you but I am SO happy to have yo back)
Puppies :o) (like always!) This one is a Westie.