Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Products I'm interested in Trying Out

#1 Sephoria, by OPI- "Meet for Drinks"

It's so dark and sparky, and adorable. I really like it! However, I kind of would want to "try it before I buy it" because I can see it looking too gothic on my pale hands.

#2 Barns and Noble "Nook"

I don't really want to own one, or go out and buy one (not that I could), but I almost just want to burrow one and play around with them to see if I would ever be interested it one.

#3 Burt's Bees "Radiance Day Creme"

Aagin, this is a "try" product because while I'm sure it works fabulously (like all burts bees prodcts), I have really sensitive skin. And this little baby costs almost $20, so I'd want to know it could cure my dry skin, before purchase.

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